Product Registration

Current products

To register, you will need the serial number of the Arcam product you wish to register. This can be found either on the units back panel, units underside or taken from the Arcam Owner Registration letter supplied with your unit.

After selecting your product model from the drop-down list, you only need to enter the long number (e.g. FV75R01001) which can be checked by clicking the "validate" button.  You do not need to enter either of the two pairs of manufacturing code numbers that come after it (e.g. 12 13). Also, please take extra care over similar looking characters, e.g. "1" & "I", "0" and "O".

Registering your new equipment enables us to keep you up to date with any information relevant to your Hi-Fi system. Registering may also prove useful should your Arcam Hi-Fi ever be damaged, stolen or be in need of servicing. Anything you tell us will be treated in the strictest confidence and will not be disclosed to third parties.

Changing your registration details

If you have moved or changed other contact details such as your email address please let us know but sending us a change of details email detailing your previous contact information and the new information you would like to register.

Please note, if you have already added a new Arcam unit please register it as normal using the form opposite.

Required fields *

Owner information

Equipment information




Dealer information

If the dealer is based in the UK, please complete the following details: